Monday 16 September 2013

Brilliant Books Coming Soon.

There a lot of amazing books being released in the run up to Christmas so I thought I'd share the ones I am most excited about with you.
First up is The Dream Thieves. This is book 2 in Maggie Stiefvaters The Raven Cycle series. I LOVED the first book and am super excited about this one. It officially comes out tomorrow (17th of September) but my local Waterstones already had it out. So I bought it. TODAY. (I'm such a reb!)

Thursday 5 September 2013

It's oh so quiet.......

*whispers* Hi guys,

Yes, yes it is!!!!
Why am I whispering, you ask? It's because it is soooooooooooo quiet in my house. Boy went back to
school today!! :D Don't get me wrong, I'll miss not having him around all the time but it will be nice NOT to have him around all of the time too. He loves school. He's about to turn nine and school has yet to become a chore, so as long as he is happy to go, I'm happy for the peace and quiet! lol

This is the first time in nearly two months that I've had any kind of time and space to myself, and I'm LOVING it!! I'm sat at my desk warming up to dive back into my WIP, Red Moon. I am determined to finish this before I let myself get distracted by Autumn! *crosses fingers* I'm still only a third of the way through and I hope there will be no more major revisions during this draft, otherwise I might go a bit do-lally!

Anyways, enough from me! Hope everyone out there is having a nice day? I'm off to the writing cave to get some words down! *cracks knuckles*

See you next post,

Kaylie :0)