Saturday 24 August 2013

Brain Dump!

Hi there! :)

So, I'm a finger-in-many-pies kinda girl. I usually have many MANY ideas floating around in my head at any given moment! lol Here are a few that have been lurking in my grey matter today...

1- A new story idea.
I was rummaging around on Pinterest the other day, as you do, and I came across this picture...
It started a whole train of thought that I've not been able to put down for DAYS!!! My mind is reeling! I have a working title atm, want to hear it? No?! Well tough! :p It's...... *fanfare* 
            Autumn: When I Woke Up and the World Was Gone.

What do you think? Well, I like it :p

2- To paint, or not to paint??

I am currently redecorating my bedroom. A while ago I bought a gorgeous Edwardian chest of drawers from ebay. They were a bargain and I LOVE them! Lookie...

Now, originally I wanted to paint them white. I have a dressing table I will be painting and a lovely 1950's wardrobe that will also be seeing the inside of a tin of Annie Sloane, Pure; but I'm still not sure about these drawers. I know they would look awesome painted, but there's something about the way they look now that I really love. What do you think?

3- My hair...
I'm very bored with my hair :( It's short, which I hate, it's also three different colours at the moment! lol. I have brown roots, a purple middle and lightened, not quite blond, ends. Blurgh!! I've decided on red. Bright red! :D It's been a while since I had red hair and hopefully *crosses fingers* it will be mega-bright where I've lightened the the ends! I think It will look cool.

4- A list of randomness from my brain...

  • Where do the holes in Swiss Cheese come from?
  • Did that person I hand sold a book to today really want it, or were they just too polite to say no?
  • Will I get to see City of Bones at the cinema, or will I have to wait for it to come out on DVD?
  • Why do ALL of my sock have holes in and where did all my trainer socks go? Seriously, I bought LOADS of them!! They have all vanished!
  • What will we pick for our next book club book?
  • Can you own too many notebooks?
  • Will I ever make that dress I bought the fabric for two years ago?
  • Should I sell my jewellery making equipment, or keep it just in-case?

There! While I realise that these thoughts are in no way deep or meaningful,  I don't care. I had them, they are mine. lol 

See you next post,
Kaylie :0)

Friday 23 August 2013

Fan Girling Over Trailers.

An OFFICIAL trailer for divergent has been released and I am squeeling! It looks so gooood. I thought I'd post the trailer here and also some other trailers for films of books I love and that I think the movie looks/is worth a watch!

Saturday 17 August 2013

Hello!! It's Kaylie here, the other lazy bitch!

Hi all, 

My name is Kaylie. As Sam said in the last post, we both blog already, mostly about books. We thought this would be a good place for all of the random shizz that pops into our brains. So here is your warning!! Thisgs may get very, very strange! lol

This is me...

I was at a friends wedding here. It was a brilliant night! That's besides the point....

Anyway, as I was saying, my posts will be varied as I have many fingers in the hobby pie! I'm writing a book, so there will probably be quite a few writing posts. I also have a bit of a thing for painting furniture at the moment, so there will also be many photos of that, my apologies! lol There will also be posts about what ever else pops into my scatty and random brain, ranging from nerdgasm inducing topics through to handbags and shoes! 

Well, that's all for now. See you next post,

Kaylie :0)

Friday 16 August 2013

It's Me, Sam.

So Kaylie and I both like to blog but unfortunatly we are also lazy. That and we both have busy lives (We're mothers, nuff said really). We figure if we share a blog then it will at least get updated some times. We are going to blog about whatever takes our fancy but I can assure you it will be epic. We are both totally awesome you see.