Saturday 24 August 2013

Brain Dump!

Hi there! :)

So, I'm a finger-in-many-pies kinda girl. I usually have many MANY ideas floating around in my head at any given moment! lol Here are a few that have been lurking in my grey matter today...

1- A new story idea.
I was rummaging around on Pinterest the other day, as you do, and I came across this picture...
It started a whole train of thought that I've not been able to put down for DAYS!!! My mind is reeling! I have a working title atm, want to hear it? No?! Well tough! :p It's...... *fanfare* 
            Autumn: When I Woke Up and the World Was Gone.

What do you think? Well, I like it :p

2- To paint, or not to paint??

I am currently redecorating my bedroom. A while ago I bought a gorgeous Edwardian chest of drawers from ebay. They were a bargain and I LOVE them! Lookie...

Now, originally I wanted to paint them white. I have a dressing table I will be painting and a lovely 1950's wardrobe that will also be seeing the inside of a tin of Annie Sloane, Pure; but I'm still not sure about these drawers. I know they would look awesome painted, but there's something about the way they look now that I really love. What do you think?

3- My hair...
I'm very bored with my hair :( It's short, which I hate, it's also three different colours at the moment! lol. I have brown roots, a purple middle and lightened, not quite blond, ends. Blurgh!! I've decided on red. Bright red! :D It's been a while since I had red hair and hopefully *crosses fingers* it will be mega-bright where I've lightened the the ends! I think It will look cool.

4- A list of randomness from my brain...

  • Where do the holes in Swiss Cheese come from?
  • Did that person I hand sold a book to today really want it, or were they just too polite to say no?
  • Will I get to see City of Bones at the cinema, or will I have to wait for it to come out on DVD?
  • Why do ALL of my sock have holes in and where did all my trainer socks go? Seriously, I bought LOADS of them!! They have all vanished!
  • What will we pick for our next book club book?
  • Can you own too many notebooks?
  • Will I ever make that dress I bought the fabric for two years ago?
  • Should I sell my jewellery making equipment, or keep it just in-case?

There! While I realise that these thoughts are in no way deep or meaningful,  I don't care. I had them, they are mine. lol 

See you next post,
Kaylie :0)